“Within each human being is both a
universe held in common with all
other beings and a unique universe
which is that individual’s portion of
heaven for them alone to reveal.”
~ Jason Shulman

A Society of Souls (ASOS) is both a school and a community of the heart dedicated to the embodiment of our deeper humanity. We offer soul-nourishing education to explore the nature of self, personal evolution and spiritual connection.

​The work of A Society of Souls includes a four-year training program in Nondual Healing (NH) and Impersonal Movement.

The concepts and perspectives taught in the training can be used in a variety of ways:

​1. To become a professional Nondual Healer who works directly with others
2. To use the concepts and techniques in other healing modalities, whether mainstream or alternative
3. As a path for exploring Reality for personal healing and self-transformation

We are now developing a new four-year training program in Nondual Healing® which ASOS teacher Samar Ajami will offer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates starting in September 2018.

We invite you to join us on this path of healing and awakening.

A Society of Souls

​To study at A Society of Souls (ASOS) is to enter a path of profound personal transformation and spiritual awakening. ASOS was created by Jason Shulman in 1992. Jason is a spiritual teacher and a master of the path of Zen Buddhism. In creating Nondual Healing, Jason has integrated a classical approach to spiritual awakening with a profound restoration of the personal ego self as a precious aspect of our humanity.

The personal ego – with all of its suffering and beauty – is no longer viewed as an obstacle to our evolution. Instead, it is embraced as a creative portion of our uniqueness. As such, the ego gets its rightful and necessary place in our human existence, which is, in fact, at the core of spiritual awakening.

​Nondual Healing®

NH begins with our life as it is. We bring ourselves – just as we are physically, emotionally and spiritually – to the training.

We begin to understand that much of our suffering on every level arises because we see ourselves as separate beings only, disconnected from the Whole of Reality.

Through the training, instead of purifying ourselves of all our difficult parts, we seek to heal them by learning how to be in profound and kind relationship with all that is.

This is the beginning of awakening to our full self, where we begin to heal and return to the joy that it is possible for all human beings to attain.

NH is an extremely sensitive, refined and powerful way of creating change. The teachings are rooted in the shifts of consciousness that the student/healer undergoes through the training.

The healings themselves are based on the wisdom of the Tree of Life interwoven with the nondual approach developed by Jason Shulman. Through the four years, students undergo shifts in their experience of self and reality that open their relationship to the creative forces of the Tree of Life in the service of healing the self and others.

While we will learn many techniques, our journey together will not be technique-driven. Our aim is to deepen our understanding of our true selves and enhance our ability to hold new states of consciousness that will allow us to help others.

It is through this transformation that we become trustworthy and open-hearted NH healers with the ability to act compassionately in the world. It is also through this awakening process that we become the best teachers, lawyers, nurses, doctors, parents and partners that we can be.

The combination of personal awakening and technical expertise is at the foundation of the NH program. It is taught in an atmosphere of safety, love, acceptance and integrity. The classes, while challenging, are filled with joy, laughter and kindness.

​The Personal Journey

In Year One, we start with an open-hearted embrace of ourselves in this moment while simultaneously seeking growth and transformation. A change in perspective creates a space for where we are right now and for an education that offers fresh self-knowledge and a profound understanding of the human condition.

We begin to be aware of how, in our everyday experience of the self, we often over-identify with the ego to such an extent that we tend to experience ourselves as separate beings only. A big part of our loneliness and our disconnection from our true selves, from others and from life arises from being embedded in the ego only.

This training offers us the opportunity to have open dialogues on the important questions in life. It provides us with guidelines that help us to change our thoughts, our beliefs and our experience of self.

This particular work adds an evolutionary turn to the classical path of enlightenment, a turn that is necessary for contemporary life. This turn is to paradoxically both raise and diminish the ego into its rightful place by healing and integrating it.

Through this path, we are simultaneously more ourselves and more the world, more personally free and more impersonally manifest. This is what awakening to our full self means. It is a return to being fully human, to being someone who is not bound by the personal ego self alone. Freedom, connection and authentic participation with life flow naturally from this way of living.

​The Curriculum of NH

Jason shulman

NH weaves together the wisdom of the Tree of Life as a living map of the workings of the universe, psychological insight into the human condition, the implications of quantum physics, and Buddhist and nondual insights. The curriculum is a vast playground for the intellect and the heart. It offers wisdom and intimacy with self, companions on the path and deeper relationship with the wider world.

NH Training Year by Year

Year One: 4 meetings of 3 days each

Year One prepares the student in body, mind
and spirit to be able to hold the states of
consciousness that will be taught in the
following years. To this end, we learn
meditations and teachings that help deconstruct
historical beliefs and patterns that no longer
serve us, and that support new ones that will
bring us into a larger view of ourselves and what
healing truly is.

Year Two: 4 meetings of 4 days each

The second year of training is one of depth, insight and revelation as we begin to delve into the mystical vision of the creation of the universe and the process of manifestation. We now begin to enter into the world of the Nondual Healings themselves.

On a personal level, in Year Two, we continue to discover what it means to be in relationship with the parts of ourselves that we abandoned in order to survive our childhood wounds. We look deeply at healing and the ego. We learn to stop trying to get rid of the ego, and discover the importance of having a healed ego. We learn, perhaps for the first time, that the ego, when healed or returned to its proper form and place, becomes an abode for the holy.

Year Three: 4 meetings of 4 days each

The third year of Nondual Healing is deeply exciting. Students begin to integrate various parts of the first two years’ teachings into a new whole, and are guided in using this foundational understanding to explore the world of healing.

A main focus of this year is learning eight additional profound healings and the Diagnostic Process. The Nondual Healings usher in profound shifts and changes in our personal lives and consciousness, changes we could not have imagined or perhaps even understood before. As we deepen into these healings, we gain confidence that we will be able to assist others in making similar shifts. By the end of the third year, we are very different than we were when we entered the room on the first day of training. Moreover, our understanding of the nature of reality has undergone a similarly alchemical shift.

Year Four: 4 meetings of 4 days each

The studies of Year Four unite work on the personal self and its relationship to the Absolute or Unitive Consciousness in a new way. In this year, we learn an original moving meditative practice called Impersonal Movement (IM), and the advanced healings of NH.

This year focuses on setting up the conditions for us to be able to live and work from the Unitive or nondual state of consciousness, and brings us a direct experience of our fundamental nature, which is the union of the personal and the impersonal. In Year Four, we make a radical shift into direct experience of the impersonal and then into three healings, which are sealed at the interface between the personal and the transcendent. The practice of IM increases our understanding of the Unitive state, and sets up the relationship for us to be able to engage in the advanced healings.

NH Training in Dubai

Year One tuition fee: $3,800

Year One schedule:

December 7-9, 2018
February 22-24, 2019
May 10-12, 2019
September 27-29, 2019

If you have any questions or you wish to register for NH Training in Dubai, please contact Samar at samarajami@gmail.com or +97150 628 3073

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